Hey Kawacon'ers! We love all of our guests, fans, exhibitors, and staff so your health and safety are in our best interest. We will be following all CDC and local venue guidelines, if any. Below you can find the COVID-19 precautions we and everyone who attends the con is required to follow in order to promote a safe experience for all that attend. The below is subject to change based on any new CDC updates and protocols that may affect our con.
Are face masks required at the convention? – At this time, face masks are not currently required to attend the convention. However, should CDC guidelines change, Kawacon will enforce take all precautions and follow all guidelines provided by the CDC and local venue.
Will there be temperature checks at the entrance? – At this time, CDC is not requiring any type of temperature check to enter the convention. However, should CDC guidelines change, Kawacon will enforce take all precautions and follow all guidelines provided by the CDC and local venue.
Do I need to provide proof of vaccination to attend the convention? - At this time, we are not requiring proof of vaccination to attend the convention. However, should CDC guidelines change, Kawacon will enforce take all precautions and follow all guidelines provided by the CDC and local venue.
Will hand-sanitizing stations be available at the venue? – Absolutely! Hand sanitizing stations will be placed throughout the convention area. Please sanitize your hands frequently, especially after touching common surfaces.
Will physical distancing be enforced? – At this time, we are not requiring attendees, exhibitors, staff, and volunteers to practice social distancing. However, should CDC guidelines change, Kawacon will enforce take all precautions and follow all guidelines provided by the CDC and local venue.
Will the convention have medical personnel on-site? - Yes, there will be medical personnel and first-aid stations available throughout the event in case of any health-related concerns.
What happens if I start feeling unwell during the convention? - If you start experiencing Covid-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell, please immediately inform the nearest staff or medical personnel and seek medical attention.
Can I attend the convention if I recently recovered from Covid-19? - For the safety of all attendees, individuals who have recently recovered from Covid-19 should follow the guidelines of their healthcare provider and local health authorities before attending the event.
General Wellness – Before you attend the con, we ask that all attendees provide a self-evaluation in order to protect others at the con. If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to the event, please do not enter the convention center.
Guest/Fan Interactions – Our special guests are people too and each has their own preferences and comfort levels when it comes to COVID-19. Each special guest interaction will have different precautions in place based on the individual guest’s comfort level.
As COVID-19 news changes rapidly, we recommend you follow us on social media (Facebook / Instagram) to be the first to receive new information. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at info@kawaconsa.com.